Pharmacists’ (External) Examination November 2018 (Under New Criteria)

Closing Date: 2018-09-13
The above examination for Pharmacist apprentices who have completed two years of apprenticeship under Section 56 (1) (a)  of the Medical Ordinance  will be held on November 17, 2018.  Only apprentices who have completed two years apprenticeship at September 13, 2018 are eligible to apply for this examination.  Those who do not achieve a satisfactory standard acceptable to the Ceylon Medical College Council at the written examination will not be called for the practical and viva voce examinations.
The fee of Rs. 5,000/- should be paid at any Branch of People’s Bank to the credit of Town Hall People’s Bank Branch A/C No 167-1-001-2-0020892,  and the receipt should reach me on or before September 13, 2018 with the four items (i, ii, iii and iv) below  by post
(i) the original bank receipt for the fee of Rs 5000/=. (Name of the applicant should be written on the top left hand corner of the receipt).  No refund of fees will be made under any circumstances.
(ii) if you are sitting for the first time, original indenture form.
(iii) if more than once, photocopy of previous indenture form.
(iv) two stamped (Rs 60/=) self addressed envelopes (9” x 4”).
On-line Application Form is available  Click here to View
Pharmacists’ (External) Examination November 2018 (Under New Criteria) Pharmacists’ (External) Examination November 2018 (Under New Criteria) Reviewed by Unknown on September 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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